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Terms and conditions

These Rules are valid from 03/29/2023

General provisions

The Terms of Use of the service provision website at www.veriffy.com (hereinafter – VERIFFY) (hereinafter – the Rules) regulate the relations between the VERIFFY User (hereinafter – the User) and the Company, providing VERIFFY services.
The current version of these rules is published on the website www.veriffy.com.

Provision of services

VERIFFY electronic document verification service can be used by all Internet users.
The User can upload pdf or adoc electronic documents (hereinafter – Documents) and check the compliance of the Document with the specification and the validity of the signatures.
Restrictions apply to VERIFFY document verification service:
● per day up to 5 Document checks from one IP address.
● Document up to 5 MB in size is checked.
The VERIFFY system verifies only Documents signed/approved with qualified electronic signatures and seals.
When uploading the Document, the User chooses to check the Document’s compliance with the specification and the validity of the signatures. VERIFFY, after performing the verification, provides the user with a conclusion on the compliance of the document with the specification, the validity of the signatures, and additional metadata of the Document.
Documents uploaded for verification are not stored in VERIFFY.

The price of services

VERIFFY Document verification services on the website www.veriffy.com are provided to users free of charge until further notice.

Responsibility of the parties

The company is responsible for the proper performance of the obligations stipulated in the Rules.
By using the VERIFFY Document Verification service, the user agrees to these rules and must follow them. If the user does not agree with these Rules, the user is prohibited from using the VERIFFY Document Verification Services.
The company has the right to partially or completely change and complete the functionality of VERIFFY at any time.
The company has the right to partially or completely suspend the use of VERIFFY at any time if this is necessary due to unforeseen or force majeure circumstances.
If the User does not comply with the Rules or disrupts the operation of VERIFFY with his actions, the Company has the right to limit or terminate the User’s ability to use VERIFFY without warning.


The whole VERIFFY content, including but not limited to information, documents, except documents, logos, software, and services uploaded by Users, is provided by the Company and third-party service providers. VERIFFY copyright belongs to the Company. VERIFY is prohibited to copy, reproduce, and distribute in any form or by any means without the written consent of the Company. If VERIFFY the provision of services requires third-party software, the user must take care of installing and obtaining licenses for this software.

Validity of the rules, termination, change of conditions

The Rules come into force upon confirmation by the User that they have read the Rules and agree to use VERIFFY.
The Company has the right to partially or completely change the Rules unilaterally, after notifying VERIFFY users beforehand. Users are informed of changes by publishing the Rules on the website www.veriffy.com.

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